7 Quotes & Sayings By Megan Mitcham

Megan Mitcham is the author of the New York Times bestseller The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women. She is a sought-after speaker and trainer who helps people discover what they are really good at, their strengths, and how to use them to make more money, make better decisions, and accomplish more in their lives. Her TED talks have been viewed nearly 2 million times. She lives in Austin, Texas with her husband and two sons.

... if sin had a taste she’d found it. Megan Mitcham
Life gives you no guarantees. So, you love with all you have. And enjoy the time you’re given. If not, what’s it all for anyway? Megan Mitcham
...got the ink as a constant symbol of what I fight for and of what I have to live for. Megan Mitcham
The shock of orgasm pulls you under the wave you never saw coming. It wrestles you to the point of exhaustion and allows you to breathe only when you’ve died la petite mort. When you’ve given all and received everything in return. Megan Mitcham
Some times we choose our fate, ” she said. “Other times it’s chosen for us.” The cleft between his dark brows deepened and his jaw clenched then released. “And sometimes its what we make it. Megan Mitcham
To get what I wanted I became the monster I’ve always hated... Megan Mitcham