8 Quotes & Sayings By Mayra Mejia

Mayra Mejia is a staff writer and editor for "The Huffington Post" and has also worked as a book publicist and media relations specialist. She is the author of the novel, "The End of Sorrow." She was born in Mexico and currently resides in New York City with her husband and two children.

Everything you seek is achieved from within not without. You know what is right and what is wrong for you because you feel it. Mayra Mejia
When you muster the courage to processes reality as it is instead of sweeping feelings or emotions under the rug, you become stronger. Mayra Mejia
We all deserve a love as deep as the oceans. Let us keep our oceans clean and enjoyable for us all. Mayra Mejia
There's enough of everything to go around for everybody but not without awareness and positive beliefs about abundance. Mayra Mejia
Emotions and feelings don't come out of the blue they're always triggered by memories good or bad. Males and females must process both. Mayra Mejia
Reading a book is an intimate experience that can change people's lives in profound ways. It also changes the life of its author. Mayra Mejia
There is something to be said about the sense of accomplishment the reader feels when finishing a book in one sitting. Mayra Mejia