6 Quotes & Sayings By Mayank S Sengar

Mayank S. Sengar is a writer and a student of history. He has been writing since his early days in school and is currently pursuing a career in the field of journalism. He has been working for many leading newspapers and magazines in India and is currently writing for the Times of India, one of the leading newspapers of the nation Read more

He also writes on various other topics on various other sites on the internet, which have been visited by millions of people across the world.

Never treat your fear as an enemy; it’s a friend...
Never treat your fear as an enemy; it’s a friend in disguise, only if we are able to recognize its worth. Mayank S. Sengar
Self realization of strengths and weaknesses is the first step towards salvation. Mayank S. Sengar
Every pause is a precursor to new thoughts, every thought is potentially a new story, every story is a new interpretation and every interpretation is a new shade of grey. Mayank S. Sengar
The decision you will take today has the power to redefine your past and redesign your future. Mayank S. Sengar
What you consider as real may not exist at all, and what you cannot see today may turn out to be the purpose of your life one day. Mayank S. Sengar