9 Quotes & Sayings By Maximillian Degenerez

Maximillian Degenerez (1904-1995) was a renowned and prolific author and teacher who has been called "the father of modernism" in the field of psychology. He received his Ph.D. from Harvard University, and later taught at Columbia University, New York University, and the University of Texas, as well as lecturing all over the world. He is best known for his work as a pioneer in the field of group therapy and group dynamics Read more

His books include: The Group: Its Work and Process; Group Dynamics: Theory and Practice; and The Idea of Group Work: A Psychological Approach to the Study and Treatment of Groups.

Hope and wishes for all that delights will sour in the midst of action not taken and words unsaid. Maximillian Degenerez
A brainy person does not abuse copyright instead they respect it and uphold it. Maximillian Degenerez
The brainy class is made up of individuals who think for themselves and beyond formal education are continuous learners who tend to be self-taught. Maximillian Degenerez
I always knew I was brainy. It struck me when I was a child that I wanted to be an adult because I never felt I belonged among children whose minds were so much simpler than mine. Maximillian Degenerez
Delayed gratification is a sweet lesson whose teacher knows the best is not right now, it is yet to be. Maximillian Degenerez
True health infuses positive energy in the mind, body and spirit; it is a main focus in my life. Maximillian Degenerez
Be humble, be gracious, and make peace with inner fears before stepping out into the limelight and allowing yourself to be subjected to all of humanity. Maximillian Degenerez
Cross the meadow and the stream and listen as the peaceful water brings peace upon your soul. Maximillian Degenerez