6 Quotes & Sayings By Mateo Sol

Mateo Sol is a Spanish writer, columnist and blogger. He has written for various newspapers in Spain, including El Confidencial, El País and La Vanguardia. He is the author of several books and several articles about psychology and motivation.

Derived from the Greek word “em” (in) and “pathos” (feeling), the term “empath” refers to a person who is able to “feel into” the feelings of others. Mateo Sol
As children, a great number of us were taught by our parents, carers, extended family members, and teachers, that showing any form of emotional vulnerability was “not OK.” We were conditioned to believe that in order to be acceptable as human beings, we had to be like the other children. We were taught to “suck it up, ” “stop being cry babies, ” “get thicker skin, ” “stop being so sensitive” and go participate with the other kids, even if they overwhelmed us with their energy. Mateo Sol
As emotional radars, empaths instantly pick up on the vibes around them and tend to gravitate the most towards those who are hurting — even if they’re not in a good place. Their intense desire to help and soothe the pain of others often results in a whole range of interpersonal and inner issues. Mateo Sol
When it comes to relationships, empaths truly shine. This is because it is not the face, body or personality of a person that empaths fall in love with, it is their Soul. Mateo Sol
As empaths, one of the quickest ways to completely losing our grounding in reality is by deferring our needs and wants in relationships. Mateo Sol