36 Quotes & Sayings By Mary Baker Eddy

Born November 27, 1821, in Bowdoinham, Maine, Mary Baker Eddy was the daughter of a Congregational Church pastor and his wife. Her father died when she was 11 and her mother remarried, moving to South Berwick, Maine, where her new family lived in the town's only house. Mary Baker Eddy spent her youth at home with her mother and sister, who attended school with her. By age 15 she had taught herself Latin and Greek and penned a poem on the death of Daniel Webster Read more

At 17 she began working as a teacher at home and for $1.50 a week. In 1845, after an attack of typhoid fever that left her bedridden for months, she began studying the Bible and soon became convinced that its teachings contradicted those of traditional Christianity. She read self-help books and became acquainted with Christian Science's founder, Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910), who had published Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures in 1875.

When she recovered from her illness, Mary Baker Eddy devoted herself to teaching newly formed Christian Science churches. She founded The Mother Church (later renamed The First Church of Christ Scientist) in Boston in January 1878.

When angels visit us, we do not hear the rustle...
When angels visit us, we do not hear the rustle of wings, nor feel the feathery touch of the breast of a dove; but we know their presence by the love they create in our hearts. Mary Baker Eddy
Happiness is spiritual, born of truth and love. It is...
Happiness is spiritual, born of truth and love. It is unselfish; therefore it cannot exist alone, but requires all mankind to share it. Mary Baker Eddy
Lulled by stupefying illusions, the world is asleep in the cradle of infancy, dreaming away the hours. Mary Baker Eddy
Experience teaches us that we do not always receive the blessings we ask for in prayer. Mary Baker Eddy
Happiness is spiritual, born of truth and love. Mary Baker Eddy
There should be painless progression, attended by life and peace.... Mortals will some day assert their freedom in the name of Almighty God....Dropping their present beliefs, they will recognize harmony and as the spiritual reality and discord as the material unreality. Chapter VII pp. 224 and 228 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures Mary Baker Eddy
Home is the dearest spot on earth, and it should be the centre, though not the boundary, of the affections. Mary Baker Eddy
Sorrow has its reward. It never leaves us where it found us. Mary Baker Eddy
Christian Science explains all cause and effect as mental not physical. Mary Baker Eddy
Disease is an experience of so-called mortal mind. It is fear made manifest on the body. Mary Baker Eddy
Spirit is the real and eternal matter is the unreal and the temporal. Mary Baker Eddy
God is universal confined to no spot defined by no dogma appropriated by no sect. Mary Baker Eddy
Reject hatred without hating. Mary Baker Eddy
God is incorporeal divine supreme infinite Mind Spirit Soul Principle life Truth Love. Mary Baker Eddy
God is incorporeal divine supreme infinite. Mind Spirit Soul Principle Life Truth Love. Mary Baker Eddy
Fo those leaning on the sustaining infinite today is big with blessings. Mary Baker Eddy
Divine love always has met and always will meet every human need. Mary Baker Eddy
Every law of matter or the body supposed to govern man is rendered null and void by the law of Life God. Mary Baker Eddy
To live and let live without clamor for distinction or recognition to wait on divine Love to write truth first on the tablet of one's own heart-this is the sanity and perfection of living and my human ideal. Mary Baker Eddy
Health is not a condition of matter but of Mind. Mary Baker Eddy
God is Mind and God is infinite hence all is Mind. Mary Baker Eddy
Truth is immortal error is mortal. Mary Baker Eddy
Prayer is not to be used as a confessional to cancel sin. Such an error would impede true religion. Sin is forgiven only as it is destroyed by Christ - Truth and Light. Mary Baker Eddy
Women must think strategically about creating ongoing pressure for change. Mary Baker Eddy
Sickness is a belief which must be annihilated by the divine Mind. Mary Baker Eddy
Truth has no beginning. Mary Baker Eddy
To those leaning on the sustaining infinite to-day is big with blessings. Mary Baker Eddy
If Christianity is not scientific, and Science is not of God, then there is no invariable law, and truth becomes an accident. Mary Baker Eddy
True prayer is not asking God for love; it is learning to love, and to include all mankind in one affection. Prayer is the utilization of the love wherewith He loves us. Mary Baker Eddy
I would no more quarrel with a man because of his religion than I would because of his art. Mary Baker Eddy
Experience teaches us that we do not always receive the blessings we ask for in prayer. Mary Baker Eddy
Disease is an experience of a so-called mortal mind. It is fear made manifest on the body. Mary Baker Eddy
Truth is immortal error is mortal. Mary Baker Eddy
Health is not a condition of matter, but of Mind. Mary Baker Eddy
Jealousy is the grave of affection. Mary Baker Eddy