5 Quotes & Sayings By Marlen Haushofer

Marlen Haushofer was born on Long Island, New York in 1947. She moved to New York City with her parents at the age of two and attended school in New York City. She received her BA degree from American University in Washington DC, where she majored in English literature. Before she was married, Marlen worked as an editor for several publishing companies, including Random House and Doubleday, producing books on art, science and literary topics Read more

She has worked as a freelance writer and editor since 1977. Her writing has appeared in People magazine and The New York Times and has been published in numerous anthologies and magazines. Her fiction has been published by Raven Books and Bantam Books.

She has also written screenplays for major studios and currently teaches creative non-fiction writing at NYU. Marlen lives in New York City with her husband, three children and assorted pets.

Но все же во мне живеÑ‚ безумная надежда. СнисходиÑ‚ельно посмеиваюсь сама над собой. Ребенком я Ñ‚ак же упрямо надеялась, чÑ‚о никогда не умру. Надежда предсÑ‚авляеÑ‚ся мне слепÑ‹м кроÑ‚ом, он живеÑ‚ во мне и лелееÑ‚ безумнÑ‹е планÑ‹. Не в силах прогнаÑ‚ь его, я вÑ‹нуждена с ним примириÑ‚ься. Marlen Haushofer
Imagination makes people oversensitive, vulnerable and exposed. Perhaps it's a form of degeneracy. I have never held the shortcomings of the unimaginative against them. Sometimes I've even envied them: they have an easier and more pleasant life than everyone else. Marlen Haushofer
The barriers between animal and human come down very easily. We belong to a single great family, and if we are lonely and unhappy we gladly accept the friendship of our distant relations. Marlen Haushofer
But if time exists only in my head, and I'm the last human being, it will end with my death. The thought cheers me. I may be in a position to murder time. The big net will tear and fall, with its sad contents, into oblivion. I'm owed some gratitude, but no one after my death will know I murdered time. Really these thoughts are quite meaningless. Things happen, and, like millions of people before me, I look for meaning in them, because my vanity will not allow me to admit that the whole meaning of an event lies in the event itself. . Marlen Haushofer