3 Quotes & Sayings By Mark Leirenyoung

Mark Leiren-Young is a New York Times bestselling author. He has written for countless publications including the The New York Times, The Guardian, Variety, Wired UK, and The Awl, where he once worked as an editor. His first book was published in 2011, and he has since produced the acclaimed book "Marketing Lessons from the Apple Genius Bar" and his latest book is "The No Asshole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One That Isn't."

Like all great adventures, this one started with someone trying...
Like all great adventures, this one started with someone trying to get laid. King Menelaus didn’t go to Troy for the baklava. Mark LeirenYoung
Real Canada is where people wear sweaters for survival, not style. Mark LeirenYoung