3 Quotes & Sayings By Marina Lewycka

Marina Lewycka was born in Poland in 1970. She moved to England with her family at the age of six. She studied English at Cambridge University, but left after two years to pursue her first love – writing. She is the author of four novels, The Dairy Book of Lists, Lorna Doone, Two Caravans, and The Happy Marriage Read more

Her books have been translated into twenty-six languages and have been published in over thirty countries. Marina is a regular contributor to The Times Literary Supplement. She lives in London with her husband and two children.

As Romeo and Juliet found to their cost, marriage is never just about two people falling in love, it is about families. Marina Lewycka
With a feeling of despondency so intense that it was almost pleasurable, he got out his guitar. So this was to be his condition now. What was he but a fragment of broken churned-uphumanity washed up on this faraway shore? This was where his journey had brought him.... There mus be a song in this... Marina Lewycka