8 Quotes & Sayings By Marilyn Hacker

Marilyn Hacker is a bestselling author, writing coach and acclaimed keynote speaker. She has published three books: the best-selling "How to Find Your Dream Job," "How to Make Your Dream Job Last," and "The Writing Coach." Marilyn's books have been translated into over six languages and have sold more than 100,000 copies worldwide. Marilyn has spoken at conferences and universities and has appeared on television and radio programs across the country. Her classes and workshops inspire students and professionals alike to write, produce, market and sell their work Read more

Marilyn lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband, Dave Hacker.

From Orient PointThe art of living isn't hard to muster: Enjoy the hour, not what it might portend. When someone makes you promises, don't trust herunless they're in the here and now, and just herwilling largesse free-handed to a friend. The art of living isn't hard to muster:groom the old dog, her coat gets back its luster;take brisk walks so you're hungry at the end. When someone makes you promises, don't trust herto know she can afford what they will cost herto keep until they're kept. Till then, pretendthe art of living isn't hard to muster. Cooking, eating and drinking are a clusterof pleasures. Next time, don't go round the bendwhen someone makes you promises. Don't trust herpast where you'd trust yourself, and don't adjust herwords to mean more to you than she'd intend. The art of living isn't hard to muster. You never had her, so you haven't lost herlike spare house keys. Whatever she opens, when someone makes you promises, don't. Trust yourart; go on living: that's not hard to muster. Marilyn Hacker
My mother was told she couldn't go to medical school because she was a woman and a Jew. So she became a teacher in the New York City public school system. Marilyn Hacker
As a teacher you are more or less obliged to pay the same amount of attention to everything. That can wear you down. Marilyn Hacker
Of the individual poems, some are more lyric and some are more descriptive or narrative. Each poem is fixed in a moment. All those moments written or read together take on the movement and architecture of a narrative. Marilyn Hacker
I started to send my work to journals when I was 26, which was just a question of when I got the courage up. They were mostly journals I had been reading for the previous six or seven years. Marilyn Hacker
You are almost not free, if you are teaching a group of graduate students, to become friends with one of them. I don't mean anything erotically charged, just a friendship. Marilyn Hacker
Everyone thinks they're going to write one book of poems or one novel. Marilyn Hacker