7 Quotes & Sayings By Maria Dorfner

Maria Dorfner (1935-2013) was one of the most important German scholars of the twentieth century. She combined the tools of literary criticism with psychoanalytical insights to produce an original, new approach to reading and interpreting texts. From her book "Heinrich Heine und das Problem der Zeit" (Heinrich Heine and the Problem of Time), which described how to read a text from a historical perspective, to her groundbreaking work "Der innere Monolog des Romans" (The Inner Monologue of the Novel), her theories have been essential for generations of students and scholars.

I believe God works through other people. So, if you think about that it means you are God for someone else. Every day, reach out and help someone. If you tell me you are poor and have nothing to give -- then give someone a genuine compliment or smile and you will realize you're already rich. A kind word or deed can make all the difference in someone's life. Maria Dorfner
Anxiety is who people want you to be. Calm is who you are. Maria Dorfner
It's not your size. It's your inner strength. Maria Dorfner
The beauty you see in others is within you. Maria Dorfner
When angels carry you they leave no footprints in the sand. Maria Dorfner
When you are about to die a montage of your family and friends fast forwards until your mind flashes quickly to the person you love and what you last said to them. If it was loving, you die in peace. Life was and always will be about love. Maria Dorfner