4 Quotes & Sayings By Margo Rabb

Margo Rabb is an award-winning journalist, writer, and editor who has worked for "Reader's Digest" magazine since 1975. She is the author of four books, including The Great American Read, which chronicles the history of American literature. She was named one of "America's Best Writers" by "Writer's Digest" magazine in 2006. Ms Read more

Rabb has written for "The Wall Street Journal," "USA Today," "The New York Times," and other magazines and newspapers. Her articles have appeared in publications all over the world.

Grief isn't like a map you can follow. It's not a simple route with a destination. Sometimes you loop back and find yourself in the exact same place you left. Margo Rabb
It had been so long since I'd written, really written, that I'd forgotten what it felt like--how it changed things, shifted everything. I'd forgotten how writing surprises you--how you sit down feeling one thing and come out feeling another--and that I'd never heard my dad's voice in my head like this before, never known I could feel this close to him again, that this letter from him might ever exist. But here it was. Margo Rabb
All good writers are weird. Proudly weird. Margo Rabb