14 Quotes & Sayings By Margarita Engle

Margarita Engle is an award-winning author who has written twenty-five novels and three nonfiction books. She has also written over fifty short stories and two collections of poetry. Margarita has received several awards and honors for her writing, including the National Storytelling Network Award for Best Short Story Collection (The Secret River), as well as the National Reader's Choice Award, the Silver Birch Grand Award, and the Rona Jaffe Foundation Literary Award. She lives in the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Colorado with her husband and two sons.

If we knew how to find the lost, we would...
If we knew how to find the lost, we would know how to rediscover the parts of our mindsleft behindin battle. Margarita Engle
I don't understand the whole thrilling verse, but I love...
I don't understand the whole thrilling verse, but I love the way poetry turns ordinary words into winged things that rise up and soar! Margarita Engle
I would have run away Into the forest To live...
I would have run away Into the forest To live in a nest Made of dreams And green leaves Margarita Engle
Slavery all day, and then, suddenly, by nightfall- freedom!
Slavery all day, and then, suddenly, by nightfall- freedom! Margarita Engle
Night simply drapes itself over the day As if someone had lowered a curtain. The sky glitters and moves, Filled with shooting stars and fireflies. Margarita Engle
Without even trying to be a teacher, Fredrika is teaching us, Showing us how to see things in new ways Instead of always thinking The same old thoughts That have been passed along by strangers Day after day, year after year Without any spirit of amazement Or wonder, Margarita Engle
The child tells me her grandmothershowed her how to cure sadness by sucking the juice of an orange, while standing on a beach. Toss the peels onto a wave. Watch the sadness float away. Margarita Engle
There is no place more lonely Than a rich man's home. Margarita Engle
Do I have to admit that I'm half Cuban and half American, or should I go even further, and explainthat Dad's parents were born in the Ukraine, part of Soviet Russia?Or am I just entirely American, all the fractions left behindby immigration from faraway nations? Margarita Engle
Hatred must be a hard thing to learn. Margarita Engle
Can it be true that freedom only exists when it is a treasure, shared by all? Margarita Engle
I can't understand why dark northern soldiers and light ones are seperated into different brigades. The dead are all buried together in hasty mass graves, bones touching. Margarita Engle
Marriage without love is just one more twisted form of slavery. Margarita Engle