5 Quotes & Sayings By Mandy J Hoffman

Mandy J. Hoffman is the author of Beneath It All , Ever After , and The Girl Next Door . Her novels have been nominated for the Shreya Narayanan Award, the Bookseller's Best Award, and the RWA RITA Award. She is a member of Romance Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, and International Thriller Writers Read more

She lives in Dallas, Texas with her husband and two daughters.

Just like using drugs and alcohol to numb the pain can -- and does -- lead to addiction, using social media to fill the void of relationships, or other needs, often leads to addiction, as well. Mandy J. Hoffman
Social media inflames our already inflated view of self. Mandy J. Hoffman
Our choice to use or not use social media is not about social media--it is about the glory of God. Mandy J. Hoffman
Loving others means being willing to do things for their benefit more than your own. And sometimes that looks like a Facebook account! Mandy J. Hoffman