6 Quotes & Sayings By Maia Duerr

Maia Duerr is a Brazilian writer who loves to share her love of stories. She has written over fifty children's books, some of which have won the most prestigious awards in Brazil. Maia also works as a freelance editor and translator, winning awards for her translations of children's stories into Portuguese.

...Think of it as 'Right Livelihood 2.0'... In addition to not causing harm to yourself or another, this is livelihood that is an expression of your Core Intention, work that you can fall in love with and that no longer feels like “work”: work that matters. Maia Duerr
Whatever your favorite kind of resistance is, it is likely to go into full bloom as you start making changes to your livelihood because this is an area that is linked with survival (our job is what pays our bills) as well as identity (our job is how we define ourselves). As a matter of fact, the more resistance you encounter, the more likely that you’re hitting paydirt in your transformational process. Maia Duerr
Mindfulness is an invitation to change that pattern and to become aware of where we are and how we got here. Mindfulness gives us a chance to listen to the wisdom of our hearts, to notice with more clarity where we get in our own way, and to shift from reacting out of habit to responding from our intentions. Maia Duerr
The practice of mindfulness is one of the most powerful reset buttons we have. When we learn how to slow down internally, we begin to see our habitual reactive patterns. We start to understand how fear, even on subtle levels, may dictate our choices around our work. Maia Duerr
You may want to sit with the following question: How much am I identifying with a job title rather than what I intuitively know is my work to share with the world? Maia Duerr