4 Quotes & Sayings By Mahesh Shekhar

Mahesh Shekhar is a well known motivational speaker and a bestselling author of the award winning book “CHARACTER”. Mahesh has given more than 150 motivational speeches in India and abroad. He has been featured as a mentor in the reality show “THE GREAT BILLIONAIRE”, one of the most watched TV show in India. He has been featured on CNBC Asia & Zee Business channels as a “Motivational Keynote Speaker” and he has also been profiled on CNN's “Business Prime Time” with Lou Dobbs for his contribution to the banking sector Read more

Mahesh has also been featured on The Times of India, Hindustan Times and Deccan Chronicle.

We might feel we have achieved a lot.. just take a pause and look back.. We will see only darkness.... Mahesh Shekhar
There is no Success or Failure in "LOVE", by itself is a Victory ! ! Mahesh Shekhar
As colors are formed by the combination of Red, Green and Blue : Similarly is life which is a combination of Love, Faith and Peace.. Mahesh Shekhar