2 Quotes & Sayings By Madeleine Kunin

Madeleine Kunin was one of the most influential American women in the 20th century. The daughter of a well-known physician and a renowned scientist, Madeleine grew up in an intellectual and political atmosphere. In 1905, she married Eugene Kunin, a Russian mathematician who, like her father, was a prominent figure in the field of mathematics. They had two children Read more

After studying at Vassar College and the Sorbonne, Madeleine Kunin helped to found the National Women's Party in 1916. When it merged with another organization to form the National Women's Party (NWP), she became its first executive secretary. In 1918, she ran for U.S.

Congress under the party's banner and was elected from New York's 12th Congressional District. Though her congressional career was cut short by an injury sustained while riding a horse, she remained active in politics until her death in 1966.