6 Quotes & Sayings By Luke Scott

Luke Scott is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance novels filled with humor, heart and heart. His stories are known for their clever banter and sexy, swoon-worthy moments. Luke’s novels have been translated in over twenty languages around the world. Now living in the Atlanta area, Luke has two awesome children and an adorable but badly behaved dog Read more

He has a long-standing love/hate relationship with caffeine

Obama does not represent America. Nor does he represent anything what our forefathers stood for. This country is basically built on an attitude. It's a way of life. It's not because you're born here. It's not that you're supposed to take from those who have and give to those who haven't. That kills a country. It killed Russia. Luke Scott
I believe God created sports for a good reason. It's recreation. It's something that we enjoy. It teaches us a lot as well... I believe God is a sports fan. Luke Scott
Gun control means control. It means control for the government and the government starts controlling the people. Luke Scott
We all have the right of freedom of speech under the First Amendment. We all don't have to agree with one another on our opinions. Everyone in my circle, that I run around with, we all feel the same about God, country, integrity and character. Luke Scott
Our forefathers got it; they got it, man. They took godly principles and they put them into action, and they developed our Constitution - the land of freedom where each man is accountable and responsible for his actions. Luke Scott