3 Quotes & Sayings By Louis Brandeis

Louis Brandeis was born and raised in Boston and received his early education there. He graduated from Harvard University and was admitted to the Massachusetts Bar in 1884, becoming a member of the Boston law firm of Hale & Dorr. In 1892, President Benjamin Harrison appointed Brandeis as the first Jew ever to serve as a US Supreme Court Justice. He was also the first justice to write a majority opinion without his name on it Read more

In later life he wrote several books, including one on Zionism which led to his appointment as judge of the Supreme Court of Israel where he served until his death in 1941.

Experience teaches us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the government's purposes are beneficient. Louis Brandeis
No one can really pull you up very high-you lose your grip on the rope. But on your own two feet you can climb mountains. Louis Brandeis