5 Quotes & Sayings By Liz Moore

David J. Moore is a bestselling author and award-winning journalist for the past fifteen years. He has written more than sixty books, including mysteries, westerns, thrillers, and non-fiction. His works have been published in eight languages Read more

He has received numerous awards for his journalism, including an Investigative Reporters and Editors Award, a Sigma Delta Chi Award for excellence in journalism, and awards from the Arizona School of Journalism Foundation and the Society of Professional Journalists.

As a parting gift, he gave Harold the key chain from his house keys, the ones that opened the gate to Hamilton Arms: it was a clover, a charm for luck. Its stem was a little drawer, into which, Harold later found, George had put a love note. Harold kept the clover for the rest of his life. Liz Moore
If a machine can convincingly imitate humanity–can persuade a human being of its kinship–then what makes it inhuman? What, after all, is human thought but a series of electrical impulses? Liz Moore
Only humans can hurt one another, Ada thought; only humans falter and betray one another with a stunning, fearsome frequency. As David's family had done to him; as David had done to her. And Ada would do it too. She would fail other people throughout her life, inevitably, even those she loved best. Liz Moore
...the pleasure of finally making a clean break into misery after always dangling above it's canyon... Liz Moore