9 Quotes & Sayings By Lisa Desrochers

Lisa Desrochers is a Latina writer and teacher. She has written three novels: The Surrender Tree, The Willow Cup, and the upcoming The Loneliest Red Rose, which will be released in April of 2015. Her first novel, The Surrender Tree , was awarded the 2011 David Highsmith First Novel Prize and named a finalist for the 2011 William C. Morris Award for best first novel by an author under the age of forty Read more

She teaches creative writing at the University of New Hampshire at Manchester. She is also a contributing editor to Bosque Literary Quarterly, where she writes about literature, Latin American literature, and food. She is currently working on two books: The Time of Flowers , a collection of stories about women in Latin America, and My Mother's Country , about her family's migration from Mexico to Canada

I love getting lost on purpose Lisa Desrochers
Gabriel.This has to be his fault, somehow. I'm going to track him down, pluck out his angel feathers, and stuff a pillow with them. Lisa Desrochers
Sii la mia schiava d’amore, ” I purr. Her expression is guarded. “What did you say?” An amused smile pulls at my lips. “I’ll never tell.” Somehow, I don’t think she’d agree to be my love slave anyway. Lisa Desrochers
But his eyes say what he can’t. I see it, clear as day, even if she doesn’t. He’d give up his wings for her. All she’d have to do is ask. Lisa Desrochers
I’m fairly certain I’m having my first truly religious experience, and it’s probably a very bad thing that it’s happening in a church, but it’s over a sculpture. Mental note: Add idol worship to your list for confession. Lisa Desrochers
I feel myself implode, and all I can think about is how much I miss him. I miss curling into his arms and telling him about my day. I miss knowing he’ll always be mine–that no one will ever know me like he does. I miss his lips and his hands. I miss his heart and his soul. I miss every part of him. I feel so empty. Can a person die of emptiness? Lisa Desrochers
I really miss us, Trent.” I swallow. “I miss how I could tell you everything and how I knew you’d never judge me. I miss how safe I used to feel when you held me. I miss that you knew me better than I knew myself. I miss my best friend so much, ” I add, as a tear rolls over my lashes. “What we did stole him from me. I want him back. Lisa Desrochers
You never seem to run out of ways to blow my mind, Lexie. You’re my best friend, and you’re the one woman I can imagine spending the rest of my life with. Do you know how lucky that makes me? Lisa Desrochers