6 Quotes & Sayings By Lindsey Leavitt

Lindsey Leavitt is the author of the bestselling The Longest Ride, which was a New York Times bestseller and has been translated into thirty languages. Her novel "The Longest Ride" was nominated for an MTV Movie Award for Best Adapted Screenplay. Lindsey's latest novel, The Windfall, will be released in May 2015. She lives with her husband and son in Paradise Valley, Arizona.

He said focus. The word focus. I hear angels singing. Everything goes dark except for a light that beams down on Sean. It is a God-given sign- like when people see the Virgin Mary in their grilled cheese, except this isn't religious and I'm actually not a big fan of dairy. I stare at the back of his head. His HEAD. Something I see every day but never really see because it's been there forever. Since the first day of third grade. I crumple up my web. I don't need it. Praise be, the Focus Gods have spoken. I am going to write about Sean Griswold's Head. . Lindsey Leavitt
We have different interests, fit into different cliques, but the length of our friendship makesmost of that unimportant. You go through enough with a personover a long enough period of time and they just become a part ofwho you are. Lindsey Leavitt
Hearts have more room than you think Lindsey Leavitt
We stood in the wings together, side by side. Reed's mouth was still agape." It makes sense when you think about it, " I mused. "You get two people together who have you-know-what, and sparks are going to fly." Reed's cue was about to start. He pointed at me and said, "Tonight. There's a party. And we're going to talk." "Yes""Because this is crazy." "Totally." "Okay. Well." He tugged a strand of my hair. "Good luck out there."" You're not supposed to say that."" Fine. How about.." He squinted at me. "Here's looking at you kid." The smile melted off my face. "What did you say?" "It's a line. From a movie." He shrugged and burst onto the stage with a hee-haw. It was a line. From Casablanca. The same line KARL had said to me when I was Elsa. The same like Karl didn't recognize when I said it to him as Floressa. Which meant.. nothing. Right? Lots of people know that line. Just because Reed said it, and Reed was a sub, it didn't mean he was.. he was.. "You're on, " the stage manager whispered. I stumbled onto the stage. The lights were too bright. The theater was packed. Reed gave me a quick, crooked smile, and I knew. My crush on Karl was less complicated than I thought, because it wasn't Karl I'd been with that day in the garden. Now my crush on Reed.. ?THAT was a scandal all on its own. Lindsey Leavitt
Everything they've said is tainted now. Every day was a lie. Lindsey Leavitt