7 Quotes & Sayings By Lily Gardner

Lily Gardner is the author of the novels IN THE DARK, HUSH, and THE GRAVEYARD. Her work is inspired by her love of vampire fiction and folklore, as well as by her eclectic education, which includes a degree in psychology. She lives in London with her husband, their two children, and an ever-growing pile of books.

About Tommy, you went through your whole life craving these little pockets of time and missing them for more time than you had them. Lily Gardner
There were men in their fifties, men who take a stab at fitness, men who try. They may not look young, but they still look viable. Lammers wasn't one of those. Lammers was one of those crack-in-the-ass guys ten months pregnant with a beer baby. Lily Gardner
That was the thing about luck, its laws were those of scarcity. Lily Gardner
The Land of Civilian was a dry bitter place where you sat in your car staring at drawn curtains and closed doors for hours on end, and where everything was a big, freaking secret. Lily Gardner
The only way to wrest yourself from Bad Luck's grip is to act. Not randomly, but with logical purpose. And if you were wrong, you backed up and re- A person can't sit on their ass and wait for Good Luck to walk by.reasoned. Chance still overrode your efforts, but what other way did you have to combat chaos? Lily Gardner
Bad news. If you can see it coming, you brace yourself; you weigh the outcome. But there's always that niggling voice, that voice of hope whispering, 'Maybe it's good news.' Whether you can admit it or not, that little whisper is a potent thing. Lily Gardner