3 Quotes & Sayings By Leila Meacham

Leila Meacham spent her childhood in a small town in the Midwest. She attended a private school for a year and a half, then transferred to a public high school where she took an English class that was taught by a substitute teacher. This soon became one of her favorite classes, and she began to read everything she could on the subject of writing. When Meacham was sixteen, her parents' marriage ended in divorce Read more

She went into hiding, living with various friends during the next three years. Her first book, The Listener , was published at age twenty-one. Other novels followed, including The Mourning House , which garnered critical acclaim and numerous awards.

By the time Meacham turned thirty, she was internationally known as an author of women's fiction and had established herself as one of America's most popular novelists. Her books have sold more than fifteen million copies worldwide.

Don't be afraid to let it go. Releasing hate does not make you forget what you want always to remember. It does not mean reconciliation. Leila Meacham
I'm learning not to hope for what I can't control... Leila Meacham