9 Quotes & Sayings By Lee Wardlaw

Lee Wardlaw was born in Scotland, but spent most of his life in England. He lived in London from the age of eight and then moved to France for a while before settling in Malta. He served in the British army during WWII and was a prisoner of war in a German POW camp. It was while he was a POW that he began writing his first novel, The Spellbinder Read more

Lee's books have been translated into more than twelve languages and have sold over three million copies worldwide. In Malta, he became an international bestseller with his first four books on Malta’s history and local legends, including The Vanished Race, The Witch of Valletta, The Pirates of Malta and The Sea Gypsies of Malta. Lee's latest novel is The Curse of Malta: A Daughter’s Story.

I explained it loudand clear. What part of "meow"don't you understand? Lee Wardlaw
Yawn. String-on-a-stick. Fine. I'll come out and chase itto make you happy. Lee Wardlaw
Letmeoutletmeoutletmeoutletmeout.Wait--let me back in!. .. Letmeinletmeinletmeinletmein. Wait--let me back out! Lee Wardlaw
Your tummy, soft aswarm dough. I knead and knead, thenbake it with a nap. Lee Wardlaw
Dogs have hair. Cats, fur. Dogs whine, yip, howl, bark. Cats purrr. I say: No contest. Lee Wardlaw
Fine. If you insist. I'll try Just.One.Nibble. But--I won't enjoy it. Lee Wardlaw
Sorry about thesquishy in your shoe. Must'vebeen something I ate. Lee Wardlaw
What do you mean "Ewww"?How is my tuna breath worsethan peanut butter? Lee Wardlaw