4 Quotes & Sayings By Lawrence Osborne

Lawrence Osborne is a writer and journalist based in the UK, where he has worked for over twenty-five years as a newspaper reporter, editor and columnist. Since then he has written many books both factually and fictionally. His novels include the series of crime thrillers featuring Detective Inspector John Wigmore; The Gates of Paradise; The Certainty of Dying (which was adapted into a two-part TV drama); The Art of Dying; Life's Greatest Lesson; The Sell-By Date; A Year in Her Life - with his wife, Emma - which was shortlisted for the Orange Prize for Fiction in 2009. He is currently working on his first novel set in North Wales.

For a long time I had wanted to take leave of Planet Tourism, to find one of those places that occasionally turn up in the middle pages of newspapers in far-flung cities, in which--we are told--a mad loner has been discovered who has lost all contact with the modern world. It seems inevitable that this desire will one day be listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association as Robinson Crusoe Syndrome. Lawrence Osborne
There is nothing more exasperating than reading in contemporary guidebooks disparagements of places that are deemed to be "seedy." Do the writers not notice that such places are invariably crowded with people? When a neighborhood is described as "seedy" by some Lonely Planet prude, I immediately head there. Lawrence Osborne
His youth was a wingless Dodo. Lawrence Osborne