6 Quotes & Sayings By Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison is the fifth billionaire (worth US$ 36 billion) in the world. He has dual American and Canadian citizenship. He is known for his work in computer technology, especially software and database technology. He co-founded Oracle Corporation, one of the world's top computer technology companies Read more

He has authored numerous books on leadership, management, and personal success. His latest book is The Art of War for Leaders: How Great Leaders Think, Act, and Lead to Achieve Extraordinary Results

I believe people have to follow their dreams - I did. Larry Ellison
Bill Gates is the pope of the personal computer industry. He decides who's going to build. Larry Ellison
Bill Gates wants people to think he's Edison, when he's really Rockefeller. Referring to Gates as the smartest man in America isn't right... wealth isn't the same thing as intelligence. Larry Ellison
A corporation's primary goal is to make money. Government's primary role is to take a big chunk of that money and give it to others. Larry Ellison
I have had all of the disadvantages required for success. Larry Ellison