5 Quotes & Sayings By Laila Lalami

Laila Lalami was born in Kenya and raised in England, where she received her undergraduate degrees in English and English Literature. She has worked as a social worker for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, an editor at Penguin Books, and a freelance journalist for the Economist. Her first novel, The Moor's Account, won the 2001 International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award. She is also the author of The Moor's Last Sigh (1998), The Moor's Account (2001), The Blindfold (2009), and The Moor's Legacy (2016) Read more

Her work has been translated into eighteen languages.

The universe had an odd sense of fairness; it took away things one did not want to give up, and then gave things one did not ask for. Laila Lalami
His anger took many shapes: sometimes soft and familiar, like a round stone he had caressed for so long that is was perfectly smooth and polished; sometimes it was thin and sharp like a blade that could slice through anything; sometimes it had the form of a star, radiating his hatred in all directions, leaving him numb and empty inside. Laila Lalami
Telling a story is like sowing a seed–you always hope to see it become a beautiful tree, with firm roots and branches that soar up in the sky. But it is a peculiar sowing, for you will never know whether your seed sprouts or dies. Laila Lalami
Unfounded gossip can turn into sanctioned history if falls into the hands of the right storyteller. Laila Lalami