4 Quotes & Sayings By Kristine Mcguire

Kristine McGuire is the New York Times bestselling author of over twenty-five romance novels. Her debut novel, Sinful, was published in 2005 and has since sold more than two million copies. Her books have been translated into over sixteen different languages. She lives in the heart of the Smoky Mountains with her husband, their three children, and their puppy Read more

Freedom found me the day I realized I was not bound to witchcraft. The FATHER was waiting, He was scanning the horizon for the day I would realize I could come home. And He ran to welcome me into His loving arms. Kristine McGuire
The Bible explains that Satan is real, nurses a serious grudge and has impressive power. But having been created, he has limitations. He can never be equal to God in anything."-- Kristine McGuire, An Insider's Guide to Spiritual Warfare, Chapter 3, "Know Your Enemy. Kristine McGuire
Like most people, my views about ghosts and haunted places were traditional while growing up. I believed ghosts were human spirits. Not that I talked to many people about the subject or my experiences. I assumed people would think I was weird. Kristine McGuire