34 Quotes & Sayings By Kirtida Gautam

Kirtida Gautam, a Mechanical Engineer by education, has worked in many industries across the globe. He has been a Financial Analyst, a Technical Sales Engineer at a Fortune 500 company, and a Business Development Manager at a well-known technology company. This has given him an in-depth understanding of how people think and operate in business and at work. His experiences have ingrained in him the importance of putting people first and making sure that you get the most out of your teams Read more

He is passionate about creating great places to work and lives by the principles of human potential, team leadership, and diversity.

Don't plant a seed just a day before you need...
Don't plant a seed just a day before you need the fruit. ~ Aarush Kashyap Kirtida Gautam
Self -pity is the worst form of poison. It kills...
Self -pity is the worst form of poison. It kills a person without the person realizing it ~ Aarush Kashyap Kirtida Gautam
I simply love Drosera plants! Those tentacles, I love those tentacles...~ Aarush Kashyap Kirtida Gautam
It is no better if your son rapes a woman than when your daughter gets raped. It is equally painful, may be more.~ Rudransh Kashyap Kirtida Gautam
You f*#ked my v*g*na, you wanted to think that you f#*ked my mind, but unlike you, D*ck, my mind doesn't lie between my two legs. ~ Subhangi Tyagi Kirtida Gautam
I don't want to tax my mind to find perfect Iron Man line.~ Aarush Kashyap Kirtida Gautam
You should have worn a baby pink t-shirt on which a child sucks his thumb. That would have given you the required juvenile look. ~ Subhangi Tyagi Kirtida Gautam
I want people to know that I am a real person who exists in a real world. I am not a raped girl or victim. I had a life before that evening and I will continue to have a life. What happened with me that night will stay with me but if it has not killed me, it has made me stronger. ~ Subhangi Tyagi Kirtida Gautam
People think rape victims forget how to laugh. I have not forgotten how to laugh. It is beyond the capability of this person to make me forget how to laugh.~ Subhangi Tyagi Kirtida Gautam
Parents have no clue how many things they never teach their children. Their children are simply born with those things. Kirtida Gautam
Nothing in the world has a greater power to enslave than fiction. ~ Aarush Kashyap Kirtida Gautam
There are people who believe in the basic goodness of human nature. I believe in the basic evil of human nature. ~ Aarush Kashyap Kirtida Gautam
A very important function of intelligence is the ability to premeditate. ~ Aarush Kashyap Kirtida Gautam
Do you know why I am unstoppable? It is because I decide my stopping line. ~ Aarush Kashyap Kirtida Gautam
Now I know I am done. Now I know She is done. ~ Aarush Kashyap Kirtida Gautam
Whatever I fed to his mind, thinking it was nutrition was, in fact, poison. No matter how much a person likes or craves sugar, he should not be raised on the diet of only sugar ~ Rudransh Kashyap Kirtida Gautam
Think or don't think, but don't think that you are thinking when you are postulating. Kirtida Gautam
I am not the Hero of this story Bob is~ Aarush Kashyap Kirtida Gautam
The person who says it is lonely at the top has no idea what the view looks like from above. ~ Aarush Kashyap Kirtida Gautam
If I wanted you to understand, I would have explained it better ~ Aarush Kashyap Kirtida Gautam
Competence is the most effective tool to hide madness. Black holes actually appear to be the brightest stars in sky. ~ Aarush Kashyap Kirtida Gautam
What we enjoy we enjoy, dispute is useless. ~ Aarush Kashyap Kirtida Gautam
A society needs to know when to forgive, but it also needs to know when to punish. Kirtida Gautam
You cannot stop loving your child because you know that he has committed a wrong action. But you certainly stop loving yourself for loving him. ~ Rudransh Kashyap Kirtida Gautam
People say that every person plays the lead role in the movie of their own lives. I don't. I play a side character even in my own life's movie. ~ Mrigank Kashyap Kirtida Gautam
Oh Man! Maternal love is a bitch. It takes a woman in its grip at the most unexpected moments. ~ Ananya Mehta Kirtida Gautam
My child, may you live happily forever. May you experience great success and happiness in life! But you will never be able to experience bliss. For, the one who sins cannot attain bliss, he might get everything in his life but not bliss ~ Gayatri Kashyap Kirtida Gautam
I am not in the entertainment business. I don't give a damn if it was spectacular or not. I want cause and effect. Kirtida Gautam
Every human is not born with the extraordinary capacity to accept himself unconditionally, the kind of acceptance that helps him to survive when the whole world stands in opposition.~ Aarush Kashyap Kirtida Gautam
The day when on the cover of my books, my name will appear in bigger fond than the title of my book- I will stop writing because that would be the death of the writer in me. Kirtida Gautam
My definition of Fun Game is when everyone wins. Kirtida Gautam
And if people can see themselves for who they really are, they will know that every person has a dark side! ~ Aarush Kashyap Kirtida Gautam
The person who said that it is lonely at top has no idea what the view looks like from above. ~ Aarush Kashyap Kirtida Gautam