10 Quotes & Sayings By Kinley Macgregor

Kinley MacGregor is a bestselling American author of books for women. She writes of romance, love, and relationships. She is the author of the bestselling series of singleton novels "The Sweet Magnolias" and the "Chasing Rainbows" series of contemporary romances set on the Gulf Coast. Her work has been published in more than twenty countries around the world, including Germany, France, Japan, Russia, Australia, and the Netherlands.

Adara, cease! " She froze at the sound of a voice she hadn't expected to hear. For a moment she thought she might be dreaming, until she blinked to look up into the most handsome face she'd ever known. She stared at the same blue eyes that made the tenderest of love to her. Christian. Her grip went lax and the candlestick in her hand fell to the floor. He was alive! She threw herself into his arms and held him close as giddy tears replaced her grief-induced ones. At least until her rage took hold again. "Damn you, you worthless, heartless son of a dog! " she snarled, pulling back to strike at his chest. "How dare you make me think you were dead! Don't you ever do such a thing to me again. "Christian was stunned by her language and actions. "I didn't know you could hear us through the door." She struck him again on his armor, a blow that no doubt he felt not at all, but it gave her some degree of satisfaction. "Well, think better next time." Her untoward anger amused him. Wiping the tears from her face, he kissed her tenderly. . Kinley MacGregor
She reached up to place her fingertips to his lips as she stared up at him with a warm, tender expression. "I wish you had come home to me so that I could have helped you." He pulled the cloth away from her face and stared at her for a hard second. "Had I known what was waiting for me, my lady, I would have."- Christian and Adara Kinley MacGregor
The bishop was aghast. "You would threaten me?" Christian didn't hesitate with his answer." For her life, aye."" You would jeopardize your soul for her? She is a heretic and a witch."" She is a woman. My woman." His words only succeeded in angering the bishop more. "I will have you excommunicated for this." Christian pulled the black monk's robe from over his head and balled it up. "Then excommunicate me. If I am in the wrong for protecting an innocent woman, then God can judge me as He will. Kinley MacGregor
A vine from one tree shot out, tripping Blaise. He and Merewyn rolled to the ground. Varian stood between them and the trees, which shot blast after blast at him. He deflected them, but even so the heat from the fire was scorching. 'Go, Blaise, ' he said. 'Get Merewyn out of here.' Blaise nodded before he crawled to Merewyn under the barrage.' Hold! ' The blast stopped as the three of them froze into place. Again the woman appeared in the fire to stare at them maliciously. 'What is it you do?'' I'm crawling, ' Blaise answered. Kinley MacGregor
Henry's face went red in anger as he blustered at her audacity. It wasn't often anyone got the better of him, and Sin knew no woman had ever flummoxed him before. Not even Eleanor."You are willing to declare war for him ?" Henry asked indignantly. She didn't hesitate with her response. "I am. Are you?" Sin closed his eyes as he heard the most precious words of his life. She who believed in nothing but peace was willing to fight for him. He could die happily knowing that. Still, he couldn't let her do this. Henry would not rest until he buried her and her clan. A king's reputation was all he had, and if Henry lost face…" Callie, " Sin said, waiting until her gaze met his. "Thank you, but you can't do this. You can't start a war over me. I'm not worth the cost."" You are worth everything to me. Kinley MacGregor
Simon stepped forward and clapped him on the shoulder. "Nothing better than making a maid happy, is there?"" Aye, there most assuredly is." Simon cocked a puzzled brow." Skewering my meddlesome brother would definitely be better." Simon laughed. "Then I'd best go pack so that I won't be directly in your sight for the next few minutes."" You do that, Simon, and while you're at it, make sure to find your common sense and bring it along as well. Kinley MacGregor
As soon as they were alone, Ioan’s face softened. “To what do I owe this pleasure, Christian?” “We are in need of an army.” “Done, ” Ioan said without hesitation. “My men are yours.” “We’ll have to go back through the Holy Land, ” Phantom said. “That bothers me not.” It was Adara’s turn to frown at the man’s blasé acceptance of their mission. “Don’t you want to know why we need your army?” Ioan shrugged. “I assume it is to fight.” “Aye, ” she said slowly, “but don’t you want to know why you’re fighting?” “I am fighting because Brother Christian needs me.”- Ioan, Christian, Phantom, & Adara . Kinley MacGregor
He ground his teeth together, the torture of it almost more than he could bear. The urge to pull her to him was overwhelming, but to do that would cost him dearly, for no doubt she would run out the door, damning him with every step. This was Lorelei, the artist, and she didn't see him as a man. Right now, he was about as human as the ridiculous fruit she'd painted in the past. And if he played along with her wants, perhaps she'd let him show her his..banana. Kinley MacGregor
God help him if any of them ever came true. Why, he'd be a two-headed, three-toed, monkey-nosed, blind son of a cesspit-licking lackey is she had her way. Kinley MacGregor