5 Quotes & Sayings By Kimberly Karalius

Kimberly Karalius is a USA Today bestselling author and former FBI profiler. She is also the founder of the Karalius Group, which offers seminars and workshops for businesses and individuals on topics like leadership and teamwork, conflict resolution, and overcoming anxiety. Kimberly has written and published more than twenty-five books, including The Power of Positive Thinking; You Must Stop Talking; Confidence, Focus & Fluency; Confidence: How to Overcome Shyness & Embarrassment; Confidence: How to Overcome Self-Doubt & Self-Sabotage; Confidence: How to Overcome Body Image Issues; and Confident Living: Six Steps to a Better Body, Happier Heart & More Confident Mind. She lives in Arizona with her husband, Richard.

Life is about making mistakes. If you don’t take chances, blindfolded and frightened as you are, you’re not really living, are you? Heartache makes you stronger. Misery is the stuff of good poetry. You’re denying yourself much more than the bad things in life by listening to Zita’s fortunes. Kimberly Karalius
She squinted at his nametag. Her eyes weren't quite working. "What's your name?" "Stig.""Stick?" she asked, half ready to believe it. He shook his head and pointed his long index finger at the name stitched on his uniform. "S-T-I-G. Stig."Harriet's breath caught. "I can't believe it. I've been looking for you. Kimberly Karalius
When her mother combed Harriet's hair, she said that the woods were disgustingly muddy and mosquito-ridden. During her history unit on pioneers, her father bashfully admitted that he couldn't pitch a tent, barbeque, or fight off bears in a forest. They both agreed that such a place was unsafe. Hotels were better. Kimberly Karalius
A library, no matter how big or small, is a careful balance of love and responsibility. A machine, if you will, cranked by those who care most about reading. Kimberly Karalius