3 Quotes & Sayings By Kimberlee Ann Bastian

Kimberly Ann Bastian is the author of the historical novels The Secret of Chains, The Fortunes of War, and Prisoner of Time. She was born in Germany and spent her first eighteen years there. At the age of eighteen, she immigrated to Canada to study at the University of Alberta. She soon was offered a job teaching English to Chinese students in Vancouver, where she eventually met her husband Read more

They now live in England with their two children. Bastian works as an editor for an international publishing company.

Give yourself the benefit of believing. Limbo isn't forever and the tunnel does end. Dreams take flight and success is attainable. But truly it is happiness of self you must achieve. Your time will come and patience will be your teacher. Trust in her, and she will help you fulfill your heart's desire. Kimberlee Ann Bastian
When people say writers spend a lot of time staring, rather than writing, do not be fooled. A writer does not blankly stare. Instead, she sees everything before her. Millions of plotting paths, endless words to choose from, and every possible outcome. Writers see their world as it is, as it could be; as it will be. And in the end make it as it should be. Kimberlee Ann Bastian