8 Quotes & Sayings By Kf Breene

K.F. Breene is a bestselling author of historical nonfiction, mystery fiction, and contemporary romance, as well as a reviewer of military history, history of music, popular culture, and more. A native of Nashville, Tennessee, she grew up with a love for the written word and a fascination with history and the arts. She spent many hours as a child sitting in her great-grandmother's library which housed an impressive collection of biographies and historical novels Read more

Her interest in history and the Civil War led to her career as a professional genealogist and historian. She now lives in North Carolina with her husband and two children.

No! It was not me. I did not touch him! "" But you know who did. You were there, " Shanti whispered, her face cracking, revealing visions of death. Of loss. Of misery so intense it sucked all the happy thoughts from the room and corroded their memories. Sanders took a step forward even as the Captain did, not knowing exactly what to do, but wanting to cure this woman of that pain. The sight of it broke his heart. No one deserved to see a loved on killed, and then get confronted with it like this. No one. K.F. Breene
I can't learn everything in a few months, Charles. Magic came first. Stupid hierarchy of egotistical penises had to take a backseat."" Penises don't have egos. And what about the women in command? They can be pretty damn bitchy."" The women have bigger balls than you do, Charles. Let's get focused." Kind of a dick thing to say. K.F. Breene
I rolled my eyes. To Jack I said, "Don't mind him, he's just mad no one likes him." Jonas clenched his jaw. K.F. Breene
Although, in my defense, a nonblinking eye rape was rarely the kind of thing you just eased into. K.F. Breene
I waited for her to nod before pacing while I bit my lip. That hurt, so I switched to biting my finger nail. K.F. Breene
Great googly-moogly, I needed to stay away from this vampire. K.F. Breene
Quit analyzing me. My crazy needs no definition. K.F. Breene