3 Quotes & Sayings By Ken Lukowiak

Ken Lukowiak is a professional writer and editor. Ken has been published in Appletons' Popular Science and the U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings and has contributed to the National Science Teachers Association. He is a co-founder of "Vigor," a newspaper serving the community of Vigor, Minnesota.

We piled aboard the small chopper and after a bit of map pointing to the pilot we lifted off. "I love the RAF, " said Jed."I love them too, sir, " said I. After a short flight the chopper landed. We all got out and waved our thanks and farewells to the crew and Major Jenner checked his map. After a quick examination he announced that we had been dropped in the wrong place." I fucking hate the RAF, " said Jed."I fucking hate them too, sir, " said I. Ken Lukowiak
One soldier picked up a dead Argentine, supported the corpse's weight underneath his arm, put a cigarette in the dead man's mouth, then one in his own. He then held a lighter under the corpse's cigarette and his friend took a photograph. They both laughed. I also laughed. This was foolish ― smoking can kill. Ken Lukowiak