4 Quotes & Sayings By Kelly Cherry

Kelly Cherry is a best-selling author, blogger, and world traveler. She is also the founder of Your Personal Travel Guru, a blog dedicated to traveling on a budget and sharing her tips and tricks for saving money on travel. Kelly has been featured in publications such as Business Insider, Travel + Leisure, Fox News, USA Today, Oprah's O Magazine, and many more.

The story of his great-grandfather .. . was his own story, too. Kelly Cherry
I didn't find my story; it found me, as autobiography always does: finds you out in your deepest most private places. Kelly Cherry
There is a wicked and pervading arrogance loose on the earth, like a rabid beast, an overdog. Does it run, does it slouch, does its name have a number? The beast preaches contempt, for that's what arrogance says: that nothing is real but itself, and the bone and blood of another's being are insubstantial as breath. Kelly Cherry