6 Quotes & Sayings By Kazuya Minekura

Kazuya Minekura is a full-time freelance illustrator, best known for his artwork in the "Full Metal Alchemist" anime series. He is passionate about drawing and loves to take on any project he can find.

We both have no home to go back to... so...
We both have no home to go back to... so we can go anywhere at all. Kazuya Minekura
My heart hurts that means I’m alive. Kazuya Minekura
When he laughed in his throat, the butterfly laughed at me too. It's obscene fluttering corrupted me into darkness. Kazuya Minekura
You look down when you talk to a headstone! When you talk to a live person, you look up! I'm still alive! So treat me like it! Look at me! Kazuya Minekura
Eat till you're full. Play anytime you want. Sleep as much as you like. Cry. Get angry. Laugh. Live. Live. Live. Kazuya Minekura