8 Quotes & Sayings By Kaza Kingsley

Kaza is a New York Times bestselling author of young adult, women's fiction, and contemporary romance novels. She started writing as a child, but didn't begin to publish until she was in her early twenties. She credits the many hours she spent reading as a child for helping her develop her writing skills. Her first novel, Forget Me Not, was released in 2011 and won the Derringer Award for Best Debut Novel Read more

Her second novel, Fever Dream, debuted at number five on the New York Times Best Seller list in 2012. In 2013, Kaza released two books: The Hollows and The Hollows: Endless Dreams. She is currently working on the third book in The Hollows series as well as a brand new series called The Hollows: The Rise of Shadows.

You enjoy things less when you are always trying to control things instead of just living. Kaza Kingsley
That’s all there is to life, you know. Fun things, we just need to remember to enjoy them or we waste it all. Kaza Kingsley
Imagine — hundreds of years of constant learning. It’s truly amazing. Kaza Kingsley
No time better than the present, ’ I always say. Or was that, ‘Nothing is better than a present’? I forget. Kaza Kingsley
Seriously?” Spartacus looked amazed. “I thought this looked the same to everyone. We’re in a massive library that stretches all the way to the sky. It’s beautiful, with oak and teak shelves, gorgeous patterns in the wood, and beautiful books. There’s endless amounts to read and look at. Kaza Kingsley
Today he told Erec “Fun is for having. It is the one thing that is forever.” Erec agreed. Kaza Kingsley
He pointed the scepter around the library and had an instant input of all of the books that were there into his brain, as if he had read them all at once. Kaza Kingsley