6 Quotes & Sayings By Katie Mattie

Katie Mattie is the author of the popular and critically acclaimed fantasy series, The Huntress. She's also a freelance writer and photographer and has appeared on numerous radio and television programs, including The Today Show, Good Morning America, and The View.

You have to come downstairs now! " panted Alice."What's wrong?"" Everything! Izzy's floating, Melanie ran into the wall, my hand made a silver ball and Colleen smashed my keys though the wall! " Alice huffed." Wait, what? Slow down, I didn't catch a word you said, " said Jenn."Come on! Katie Mattie
We still can't see you! " groaned Alice."How do we fix that?" asked Melanie. "I don't know...think visible thoughts, " said Colleen."Think visible thoughts?" yelled Melanie. "Actually, that might work. Do it Izzy, Katie Mattie
Yeah, Mel! If she shoves you again, smack her in the face! " bellowed Mika.Kira glared at Mika. "I mean, beat her in the race! Katie Mattie
Where's Izzy?" cried Alice. "I'm right here! " Izzy was heard, but there was no sight of her floating friend. "Izzy's invisible! " yelled Melanie."Invisible and flying! " Colleen added nervously. Katie Mattie
Do you see those dull stars?" She outlined the formation with her finger." A pentagram, " whispered Scott."Yes, but not just any pentagram. Take a look through the telescope." Scott approached the eyepiece." They're not stars! " "What do they look like?" asked Jenn.Scott studied each of the figures." It can't be, " he stuttered. "Planets?" "Exactly what I thought." "But how? They're completely off their orbits."" The earth's off its axis." "Mount Etna erupted." "Greece had a earthquake."" The whole universe has gone mad! " Scott exclaimed. "And my friends have supernatural powers, " said Jenn. . Katie Mattie