4 Quotes & Sayings By Justin Swapp

Justin Swapp was born in the USA and grew up in the little town of Fairfield, CA. He is a world traveler, a former Navy Chief Petty Officer, former triathlete, and avid coffee drinker. He finalized his formal education at the University of California Los Angeles, where he received a Bachelor of Arts in History with a minor in Political Science. His passions include learning new things and creating success stories with his words.

Roger’s wand made a crackling noise as he traced it around Winston’s arms, down his waist, and everywhere else. Justin Swapp
Marcus and Ellie exchanged a worried look and examined the bag again. Sure enough, the gold was gone. Justin Swapp
He glared at Mr. Diddley’s yellow-toothed smile, and thought how he’d like to shove a toothbrush in his mouth and teach him how to use it. Justin Swapp