3 Quotes & Sayings By Julian May

Julian May was one of the most prolific and popular writers in the field of science fiction. Her best known work is The Cold Equations, a novel about a group of people who try to solve the problem of quantum gravity. She also wrote about the future in such novels as The Number of the Beast and A Steel Rain. Her short stories have won many awards, including the Hugo and Nebula for "The Borderland," and the Nebula and Arthur C Read more

Clarke for "The Man Who Folded Himself." May pioneered in the role of women in science fiction and remains an inspiration to many in the genre.

There's a little known virtue called magnificence: an unostentatious liberality of expenditure in doing good. You would deny me the practice of it. Mierda! I should have left you on the comet. Julian May
Its front porch had a beautiful view of the water and invisible screening to keep the jellybugs and stinkmoths at bay. I wove mats for the floors and painted sincere, klutzy seascapes for the walls. Piece by piece I assembled chef-quality cooking equipment, learned how to use it, and achieved a state of domestic competence that would have astounded my long-suffering ex-wife, Joanna. Julian May