3 Quotes & Sayings By Judith Hanson Lasater

Judith is the author of numerous best-selling books that have helped millions of people to learn to live happier, healthier lives. Her books have been translated into twenty-five different languages. Judith has appeared on numerous national television shows, including The Oprah Winfrey Show, Larry King Live, Good Morning America, and Unsolved Mysteries. She has also appeared in numerous magazines and newspapers Read more

Judith has been honored by the American Heart Association with the Nancy Reagan Freedom Award for her advocacy of healthy lifestyles. She is also a contributing editor for Redbook magazine and an honorary member of the American Heart Association.

I came to understand that belief is a preconception about the way reality should be; faith is the willingness to experience reality as it is, including the acceptance of the unknown. An interesting way to understand the difference is to use the words interchangeably in the same sentence: I believe in Santa Claus. I have faith in Santa Claus. Belief can impede spiritual unfoldment; faith is supremely necessary for it. . Judith Hanson Lasater
[Let] go of your attachments: your attachment to being right, to having total control, or to living forever. This process of letting go is integral to the process of becoming whole. Judith Hanson Lasater