5 Quotes & Sayings By Joy Mangano

Ms. Mangano is the inventor of the Miracle Mop, whose innovative design makes it easy to clean hardwood floors without any chemical sprays or rinses. By day she is a high school English teacher in New Jersey, but by night she develops and markets commercial cleaning products.

My famous line is 'Product is king.' Joy Mangano
Each time I invent something and have it manufactured, it's so incredibly exciting that I can't imagine ever wanting to stop. Envisioning new products is easy for me. I just don't have enough time in the day to design them all. Joy Mangano
It's easy to design expensive products. But there's that product democracy that I believe very strongly in to make something affordable for almost anybody that would want to use it. Joy Mangano
I grew up with an Italian family in an era when a woman's path was laid out for her: You got married and had children. Simple, right? Then I got to a point around the age of 30 when I had three little children and was a single mom, and I realized life was not so simple. Joy Mangano