4 Quotes & Sayings By Joy Hakim

Joy Hakim is a popular New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. Her books have been translated in several languages, and she's been a frequent guest on radio and television shows. Joy is the founder of the Joy Hakim Institute, which provides seminars for self-help professionals, as well as a series of weekly one-on-one video sessions for personal growth. When not writing or speaking, Joy enjoys spending time with her husband and two children, playing tennis, hiking the trails around their home in Central Texas, and traveling.

Some people like danger and adventure, some like to be free of civilization, and some like to live by their wits. It was those special people who headed west. Joy Hakim
When William Johnson and slave walked down that long, winding American road toward freedom and justice, they didn't realize they would be speaking out for all those left behind. They learned that it would take hard work to make the words of the Declaration of Independence mean what they said. Ellen and William Craft were willing to do their part. Joy Hakim
My new favorite quote is, "Feed kids Cokes and french fries and you get an obesity crisis. Feed them mental junk food and you get non-readers and poor thinkers. Joy Hakim