4 Quotes & Sayings By Jordan Ellenberg

Jordan Ellenberg is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Wisconsin, where he holds joint appointments as the James and Vicky Chinn Chair in Electrical Engineering and as a professor in the Department of Mathematics. He has been listed as one of the "100 Most Influential People in Computer Science" by "Science". His research interests include computational complexity, graph theory, computational geometry, and directed and undirected graphical models. He is also interested in statistics and probability theory.

We tend to teach mathematics as a long list of rules. You learn them in order and you have to obey them, because if you don't obey them you get a C-.This is not mathematics. Mathematics is the study if things that come out a certain way because there is no other way they could possibly be. Jordan Ellenberg
I think we need more math majors who don't become mathematicians. More math major doctors, more math major high school teachers, more math major CEOs, more math major senators. But we won't get there unless we dump the stereotype that math is only worthwhile for kid geniuses. Jordan Ellenberg
One thing the American defense establishment has traditionally understood very well is that countries don't win wars just by being braver than the other side, or freer, or slightly preferred by God. The winners are usually the guys who get 5% fewer of their planes shot down, or use 5% less fuel, or get 5% more nutrition into their infantry at 95% of the cost. Jordan Ellenberg