5 Quotes & Sayings By Jonny Greenwood

Jonny Greenwood is a British musician and songwriter, best known as the lead guitarist and composer for the band Radiohead. He has also recorded and performed under the name J. Greenwood.

There's the soundtrack to The French Connection II'I think It's my favorite soundtrack. It hasn't been released. I actually had to go and get the film and just make a recording of it to get the music. Jonny Greenwood
I'm quite into listening to music and not doing anything else. Jonny Greenwood
I suppose, counting back, if the Beatles had been influenced by music in the same length of time ago - you'd have to put that into better English for me, thank you - they would have been like a banjo orchestra. They would have been doing show tunes. Jonny Greenwood
It's funny, but to me, when you go to a concert hall and hear electronic pieces from the '60s, I think they sound really dated. But when an orchestra plays a piece from that period, and it's going to sound different every time, it feels more modern to me. Jonny Greenwood