19 Quotes & Sayings By John Kuypers

John Kuypers has been a licensed mental health counselor since 1979 and is a frequent media contributor, with a focus on issues of mental health and wellness. He has been a contributing writer for the Huffington Post. His work has been featured by the Huffington Post, Mental Health Weekly, The Daily Beast, Psychology Today, and other publications.

Each of us is the best we can be when we are fully present, focused yet relaxed, curious yet non-judgmental, committed yet flexible. John Kuypers
You cannot do what's important now for you if your mind cannot accept what is happening in this present moment. John Kuypers
When you are present, you are not needy. John Kuypers
When you are authentic without an intent to harm others, you give yourself an awesome feeling which is the feeling of self-love. John Kuypers
There is one undeniable truth about our body: it only exists in the present moment. John Kuypers
We cannot let go of the past enough to live in the present unless we are able to grieve our losses. We must deeply feel our emotional pain in order to accept that what is happening is not what we wanted. pg 155 John Kuypers
In order to live in the present, we have to learn how to feel safe even when a situation feels threatening to us. John Kuypers
The Paradox of Change: People can only change when they feel accepted as they are now. Dr. Arnold Beisser Pg 220 John Kuypers
...as long as you are motivated by the approval of others, you cannot know with confidence whether the decisions you are making in your life are what's right for you... pg 102 John Kuypers
If you first take a minute, an hour or a month to let go of feeling annoyed, frustrated or critical of the person or situation that may be driving you crazy, you set yourself up for much greater leadership and personal success. John Kuypers
Your private self must become the same as your public self. John Kuypers
The present moment is the definition of eternity. It has never not been the present moment. This isn't scriptural or unscriptural - it is merely a logical fact. John Kuypers
Learning how to recognize and act on your Inner Knowing is the greatest tool for discovering what's important now by living in the present. John Kuypers
When you have nothing but love, you have everything. This means you must live as if you have nothing to hide, nothing to prove and nothing to lose. John Kuypers
The present is what is happening when you strip away all the resentments of your past and all the worries you have about your future. John Kuypers
When you do what's important now for you, you create a past that leaves you ready to handle the present. By default, the future is taking care of itself as you make decisions that are acceptable to you no matter what happens tomorrow. John Kuypers
To live in the present, you need to act or accept but never stay stuck. John Kuypers
When you are living in the present, you know what's important now for you and you act on that knowing. John Kuypers