3 Quotes & Sayings By Joel Derfner

Joel Derfner is a business strategist with over 30 years of experience in technology strategy, business development, marketing, and consulting. He is the author of the international bestseller The Google Formula: How Any Small Business Can Become an SEO Powerhouse in 10 Minutes a Day. His seminars are highly sought-after events that have been featured on CNBC, CNN, Fox Business News, Bloomberg TV, and ABC. He is also the author or coauthor of over 200 articles on business management and entrepreneurship Read more

Future Blogs

Next time, involve me in what you’re planning. How had I gone so easily from feeling excluded to doing the excluding? Did I dislike the reminder that I hadn’t always been on the inside looking out? Was I so relieved to be there that I didn’t notice the people who still wanted desperately to be invited in? Had I learned that the only way to be part of a society was to shun its outcasts? Joel Derfner
In intimate conversation I am as supportive and positive as the next man, but gatherings of happy people make me miserable. I long to share in the collective joy, but instead I am racked with anxiety. Joel Derfner