5 Quotes & Sayings By Joel C Rosenberg

Joel C. Rosenberg is a recognized global authority on Arab affairs and a recognized master strategist. He was the first person since World War II to predict that Saddam Hussein would invade Kuwait in 1990, and he accurately predicted the outcome of the Gulf War. In recent years, he has been a frequent guest on TV news shows and national radio broadcasts, including all major networks in the United States, as well as on major international networks such as CNN and The BBC Read more

Joel has appeared in more than thirty major newspapers, magazines, and journals worldwide, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Financial Times, Newsweek, Fortune Magazine, Reader's Digest , Newsday , Le Figaro Mag , Der Spiegel , Corriere della Sera , El Pais (Spain), Israel National News (Israel), La Nacion (Argentina), La Vanguardia (Spain), La Repubblica (Italy), Le Monde (France) and many others. Joel is also the author of numerous best-selling books including "The Rosenberg Doctrine: How to Defeat America's Enemies Through Israel Alone" which details how Israel can achieve security through withdrawal from Judea and Samaria. Joel maintains an active speaking schedule throughout the United States and Europe.

The possibility of somebody emerging as a nuclear power or events happening that surprise us on the nuclear age is still a possibility. It always will be because there's an awful lot going on behind the scenes. Our intelligence just has to get better on that score. Peter Goss Joel C. Rosenberg
The Possibility of somebody emerging as a nuclear power or events happening that surprise us on the nuclear stage is still a possibility. It always will be because there's an awful lot going behind the scenes. Our intelligence just has to get better on the score. -Peter Goss. Joel C. Rosenberg
In that instant, Gogolov feared death. He could feel himself falling through the dark void of space. He was flailing and terrified and utterly alone. He braced for impact, but it never came. He cried for mercy he would never see. He felt the searing heat and the demons ripping at his eyes and face with claws like razors. And then, in a terrifying flash of clarity, he realized it would never end. Joel C. Rosenberg
Is there a point at which we hit a tipping point and all of this economic, cultural and moral trouble sends us into a death spiral we can't get out of? Joel C. Rosenberg