6 Quotes & Sayings By Jodi Taylor

Jodi Taylor is an author, speaker, and the founder of LifeVantage Corporation. Jodi is the author of several books, including The LifeVantage Manual (available on Amazon), The Power of Your Subconscious Mind (available on Amazon), and her latest book, Happiness without Happiness (available on Amazon). She also frequently appears on TV and radio shows to talk about self-improvement and success.

No incident, however seemingly trivial, is unimportant in the scheme of things. One event leads to another, which triggers something else and before you know where you are, the ramifications spread far and wide throughout history, echoing down the ages; getting fainter and fainter but never completely dying away. They talk of the harmony of the spheres, but history is a symphony of echoes, every little action has huge consequences. They're not always apparent and sometimes, in our game, sometimes effect comes before cause, not after. It makes your head ache. Jodi Taylor
Typical St Mary’s. When the chips are down we don’t whine and we don’t run — we do some damage. Jodi Taylor
There should be medals struck for men who produce tea at exactly the moment it's needed. Jodi Taylor
I personally think humans have got about as far as we can go. We're wrecking the planet. We're never short of good reasons to massacre each other. Wrong god. Wrong race. Wrong color. Wrong sex. I'm actually quite surprised a thoroughly pissed-off History hasn't waved a flaming sword and we're all back in caves in the snow, chewing on half-cooked mammoth. And even that's more than we deserve. No wonder we still can't get to Mars. I suspect the Universe is making damned sure we don't get the chance to contaminate other planets with our stupidity. It's keeping us on this one where the only thing we can damage is each other. Jodi Taylor
Everyone needs rules. After all, how can you break what doesn’t exist? Rules give anarchy something to aim at Jodi Taylor